Wizards and witches of ancient times emphasized the spiritual core of the material objects. Properly charmed mascots could attract not only wealth, but success in ny, but also success and self-confidence, which is so necessary to save financial wealth. Among the popular monetary charms, runes, gems, and figurines of animals. The mascot of the importance of this day, the most important features, which is required to download the magical energy. You can get them or as a gift to buy in the store, but the most effective is considered a cash attributes, hand-made.
How amulets for luck and money?
Coming from the city, whether you like it or not, dealing with and with people who complain about the lack or shortage of funds. Many are struggling to make ends meet, overtime, spend most of their time gradually moving the work and the family. It is not surprising, fatigue, excessive that can affect the mental health of a person. The man began inexplicable feeling of anger and the more successful the rich.
Luck is one of the most underrated factors in the process of the race to wealth. If a person works hard, but the result is not satisfactory, the man should enlist the help of a higher level and force your own hidden. Excellent mental abilities is often insufficient, while the good luck nothing. Fortuna attracts more favorable offers, to guide him to the right place for the best time. How to attract good luck?
First things First, trying to-to make money, money don't ignore talismans. Amulets to attract money and luck can be a good alternative to the magical rites of the economy and to help to draw through the entire life. Often it is enough to inherit a particular feature has its own energy and constantly carrying. The greatest efficiency has been observed from the amulets with his own hands made.
The advantages of amulets to attract money and good luck:
- Help unexpected loss of income;
- To remove the possible theft of the money;
- You can avoid the monetary expenses and losses.
Magical amulets to attract money and luck, element not black magic. They operate to convert a person's thoughts and strengthen his mental energy.
Money talismans good luck to work in three ways:
- Specify a person's thoughts welfare;
- Is a kind of magnet which attracts money and good luck;
- Saturate the residence with positive energy, which promotes financial stability in a person's life.

How to make amulets with his own hands?
It is believed that the most powerful talisman for luck and money must be made. Number of amulets wealth trade special shop regularly and save it strikes all imagination. Nurturing Condition and treatment, even talismans buy can respond to requests to increase the amount of Funding, however their effectiveness pales in comparison to the effectiveness of the self-made features.
Basic ways to amulets to make money and good luck:
- Sculpt out of clay or similar raw materials;
- To sew, bind, or stitch-like toys;
- Made using a special parchment and brush;
- Made using a combination of all of the above methods.
Should be kept in mind that when making talismans is to avoid artificial materials. Natural fabrics, leather and other raw materials contains life energy, which strengthens the work of the amulet.
The runes are written in the keel of the ancient Germans. Then he cut the special plates. This is the main reason for the characteristic appearance of the ancient alphabet and don't have any curves — the character is very difficult to cut with a knife on a hard surface.
From rune exudes a powerful energy. The right combination of natural materials and ancient symbols can be used to significantly improve the financial situation of the person.
Major rune, which is used during the manufacture of money talismans:
- The Rune Fehu is that attracts wealth and success, a symbol of life energy;
- Hyeres — character fee for all deeds committed by man before. This also applies to work that has made them improve their financial situation, however, has not brought the desired result;
- Dagaz — mark, which is responsible for the possibility of a new progress began and the development of business and beat the competition;
- Oral — rune, which helps to successfully invest in real estate, as well as attracting influential patrons, who provide financial support;
- The soul is a symbol, which allows you to attract good luck and to achieve your goals. Makes the impossible very real, that a positive attitude and improve skin tone;
- Wunjo-symbol, which allows you to achieve the best result with minimal effort.
Make runes a person can use wood or clay. Elementit are Both roughly the same features, i.e. a slight conductivity, so that with their help it is easier to influence his fate. Also wood clay level and handle even the novice master. Point type of runes are trees for the manufacture and ash oak. At that time he was the sacred beliefs of the ancient Scandinavians — asatru.
Instructions for the runes to make money and good luck:
- Ready to wear of the material or the clay to the wood;
- Cut a small Shape or a plate. The form does not matter, figures should be perfectly smooth, as long as he had and support the website during the break, if the drawing of the runes;
- Select the desired rune. How they should look, you can see above. Labelling of clay you can use markers or a good paint. Runes wooden workpieces are best cut and then paint on top;
- Recovery-each rune is considered the final stage of creating the mascot. It is necessary to breathe each character, presents during this process, very the desired image stability.

Cash ball
On this basis, the talisman is an ancient magic ball. The green wire wool in ancient times was considered the source of the active substance in energy, and represents the concentration of the ball in turn to this energy. The coin is a natural embodiment of wealth.
The sequence of manufacturing monetary tangle:
- Take a large coin, preferably number five, wrap it tightly and green yarn wool;
- Wrap a coin so long as the small ball and the stabilisation and association agreement;
- During the grouping of coins, the wire said, "Come here, money, a big and a small" imagine your own image and welfare;
- Attach the remaining piece of thread so that he could not come loose;
- Cash ball hung over the oven from the apartment;
- Improves the functioning of the money talisman to regularly lubricate it with any essential oil. The best oils of rosewood or walnut.

Animal characters
The followers of the Eastern teachings have long known the animal the ability to attract money and luck. Crafting or purchasing from the store sized picture of the correct animal, it is possible to significantly improve the financial situation.
Methods animal figurines made to attract money and luck are not particularly important. Amulets can sew sculpt or clay, but if you do this I don't know how, don't worry. In most cases, the beautiful people buy charms in stores or special shops.
The animals, which attract the material well-being:
- The black cat was in Ancient Rome a symbol of happiness and freedom and in Ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as gods;
- The dragon is considered the most significant symbol of power-by song, happiness and strength-by song. People who seek to increase the corporate ladder enough to buy a figure, ornament, picture, or any other feature, where the image is the great dragon;
- The elephant creature is such that he put if the picture on the window sill, he will definitely draw good luck and your state of wealth. Elephants are especially favorable for companies and owners of various business men;
- The horse, which moves in vain forward, brings a nice change and good luck. In order to work to confirm the figures, you can attach the bag of coins, or any other feature, which resembles wealth;
- Many are familiar with popular Feng Shui, figurines of frogs, which keep the mouth of the coin. It is important to choose the right place for a frog. The best living room, in which to accumulate the required energy wealth;
- The bull is a symbol of diligence, hard work and commitment to the success of wealth. Particularly suitable for such a picture to people whose work involves land or equipment;
- As powerful beings, fulfill any desire, the famous writer is not in vain chose gold fish. The most important thing is to choose the right place of its habitat, which is the South-eastern part of the house. The aquarium also should not be too large or too small — the Golden mean is the best option;
- Peacock this or the feathers of a powerful bird act like money magnets. The rooster is also considered a symbol of good luck and material prosperity.
Animal Pictures that attract money and luck, also contributed to the stability of financial markets.

It is known, that are popular jewelry gemstones alia, but not everyone sees the charm of them, that bring good luck in money. One of the best mascots in material well-being is turquoise.
The production plan, the talisman of turquoise:
- Waiting for the beginning of a new phase of the moon and sew your own hand bag blue canvas;
- Put the makeshift bag turquoise;
- The coming New moon every day, a bag of coins and put the banknotes. The value of each of the following cash units shall not-be less than the last value of the nested;
- When the bag is bulging man need to say directly to him, the following words: "to keep the trust of thousands!";
- Of the bag Remove all the money, leave in vain the stone turquoise. Count the money three times;
- Tie the bag, with turquoise blue ribbon and set it in a place where you usually keep your money.
Periodically repeat this ritual, especially if you feel that the lack of Funding.

Herbal bag
Herbal pouch can be done very simply, but this does not diminish his importance. Most often, the money bags are manufactured using the methods of medieval European witches.
Plan to manufacture the amulet of luck and money on your hands:
- Ready cinnamon sticks, a handful of pine needles, dried ginger slices and a few dry leaves of the eucalyptus;
- Grind all the above steps mortar;
- The resulting powder put in a small bag, and then tie wire to the green color;
- The herbal bag will maintain at the workplace, in the office or any other place related to the process of the stabilisation and association agreement money.
It is believed that such a talisman will take about a year. After this ritual must be repeated.
Horde amulet
Amulets used for driving of the Herd of the Golden Horde. It was considered the owner of the talisman that never know and always needs money is going to be. In our days the Herd amulet is considered a very effective talisman, attracting good luck and financial independence. Information characteristic of the spread is impossible. Usually it is worn in a pocket or bag.
The production plan of the Horde trinket
- Prepare any coins, or thin cord strong thread, and three wax candles. It is better to take coins, with which is associated a certain history;
- Wait for the growing phase of the moon. The ritual is on Wednesday;
- Arrange the candles on the table a triangle and light them with fire. Lighter does not void use;
- Please read the following coin seven times in the plot:
Money strong, hex, words are polychala, are the words of obedience are the purse bells is pozvanit, others are called to other purse cleaning. En positit, I could make a fortune. I live in prosperity, joy, abundance, Golden rain to wash the coins right, but the full purse a long life, the light will be blessed. So it's going to be. So no.
- During the processing of the plot represents the desired goal, in vain money not it, but its with them, how you can own and dispose of them, when he receive positive emotions.
Kun conspiracy coin tie crosswise with string or strong thread, that reading the word the time specific spells.
The text of the conspiracy is to Pack the amulet:
Tied, a coin tied, money in purse, man life, a man in misery to attract.
In any case, do not cut the ends of the threads, they ignite the flame of wax candles. Zagovornye leave coins inside the triangle of candles at night. Fire extinguishing is not necessary. In the morning, a talisman to take and put it in the purse. Don't tell anyone, and don't let the amulet in hand, as strangers to touch the ability of monetary magic.

Imperial coins
Imperial amulet helps to gain wealth, career success, and promote a speedy return to debt. The coins can be carried in a pocket, bag or around your neck. About the mascot is not necessary to tell all and give up. Any other concerns not significantly suppress magic magic feature.
The production plan of the Imperial talisman of good luck and prosperity:
- Wait and wax the full moon to prepare a candle, a coin of any denomination, as well as a piece of natural asian red;
- Light wax candle with a match, sit unfortunately the table to pick up and coin. Imagine all these things — wealth, success in work, success in all endeavors and other things;
- Then put in a coin piece of red well and leave it on the windowsill in the moonlight;
- Before going to bed wrap the coin in a cloth and put a pillow under it;
- In the morning remove the amulet, always carry and in your purse or pocket.
What can be steps to attract good luck and money?
Surely every apartment is found a couple of three objects that attract money and luck and he don't know. For best effect these objects must be placed in all the best magical effects areas.
Things, attract Funding house:
- Mat at the door does not carry negative energy, which prevents the attraction of wealth. Always had Money and safe faster, increase the intensity, coming to the state a certain amount of money (for example, after receiving a salary) does not wipe shoes on the Mat. This keeps the way that the apple phone with the energy brought money into the house. Back If you come empty-handed, on the contrary, wipe shoes on the Mat. Energy emptiness and Then the money gap is not closed;
- Bone is also considered to be a powerful money talisman. To get an ordinary straw broom and hang it up or broom in the kitchen in the hallway. It is believed that this feature is sweeping the house all the negative energy and to release space for the flow of material;
- A mirror can bring into the house of money and maybe scare them kp. It is important to follow the most important rule — the mirror should always reflect the purity and order. If the mirror is to see dirt and clutter, its energy has a negative impact on the financial position of the home and family;
- If a round table or oval, you are very lucky. The round table is a symbol of wealth and money in abundance. This will help the furniture to the issuance of money, the energy in the house. How many a man has spent money, he always come back multiplied in the form.